
internet computers

Blog is the word liaison made up of two words Web & Log. That's how the word weblog was derived. Previously, blogs and blogging was inclined towards just the exchange of information, sharing of views and expression of thoughts; now the scenario has a bit of twist in it. Without affecting the ancient ideology here, the newer and contemporary blogging has attracted quite a few more objectives behind its construe and hence, more and more bloggers are daily falling inclined towards jumping into the puddle of targeted blogging and its advantages and benefits. Advertisement is the key attraction on a popular blog; and for average but popular blogs, adsense is an always-run thing.
What is it? If well say in this article that it™s about earnings and revenue generation, it might sound a bit bizarre. But the fact remains unchangeable, which screams out a yes to the bizarre. Yes, the reason why blogging is becoming the attraction of ensembles today on the internet is because it has become the ultimate source of generating revenue with zero capital investment and it serves the exclusivity being eternally explorable. Blogging is now growing to be bloggers full-time source of income.

This is a fact, go ahead, research away - and all the research you can do on this subject will validate our statements. Right; so now the question is, what does it take to buy some success for your blog? It needs you to be serious, to think above, to conquer the basics, to look closely into the various resource banks and all this will let you earn income through your blogs. Blogs have been in existence for over a decade now, but the hey-days have been noticed for the last 5 years. Blogging has become the key to revenue sharing and earning revenue online; and that too, with no capital investment. We say no capital investment because today, on the internet, you will find uncountable number of free blog hosting websites. All they would be saying is, free blog hosting, create free blog, free blog optimization, adsense revenue without a website, earn with your blog etc. One such free blogging site is, which is at the topmost seat in its kind.

Further, blogging is all about writing and posting anything and everything. Having a blog of your own is equivalent to having a website of your own. It can also serve as an online mall, where you may attract advertisers to come and advertise their products which are relevant to the content of your website. Hence, what you need to understand is that you have to choose what is going to be the focus of your blog. Depending on whichever way you choose to prepare and design the content of your website, you may then decide on what kind of sources do you want to or that you can make use of in order to generate revenue. Once, with the ideas and thoughts expressed in your blog and you attain popularity in terms of awareness and response, you may also have uncontrollable and immense traffic coming on to your web blog. This will be the time when you will run out of spaces that you could sell to the advertisers who are keen to put their banners and products on your blogs.

A blog is not restricted to having communication/contact with a community of people about thoughts and philosophy of life. Your blog could also be a business blog, which opens up a platform for the products or services that your business offers. It can promote and advertise your existing commercial website, gain visibility, popularity and extend the reach of your current traditional business flow. The participants could be your customers and they can come to appreciate or criticize your services or products. You can really use the comments as constructive feedback either appreciation or criticism and immediately change your approach if required. Market research for which some companies pay thousands of dollars.

Ultimately, what we mean to conclude in this article here, is that blogging has become THE way of communications and we wish to offer you the most contemporary knowledge and tools available, along with all possible information you need to start blogging.

Posted byForex Trainer at 4:36 PM 0 comments

internet computers

It is good to own a website,infact it gives you great opportunities to earn income online on a daily many people have restricted themselves from joining online programs because they cannot afford a website.

It is a well known fact that a journey of a thousand miles starts with a is not different in internet related businesses .If you cannot afford to create a website which may cost you about #80,000 here in Nigeria,you can start a blog and earn as much income online as you would have done with a website.


It is easy and very fast,you don't need to have any knowledge of html codes or how to create a website,just log on to or and start a blog.

Name your blog and select an already made template for your blog and thats it.It does not take up to 10 minutes and you start posting your first blog article


Yes you can.There are so many internet based programs that allow bloggers to monetize their blogs by offering them the opportunitise to earn income online with their blogs.Internet programs like google adsense,bidvertiser,blogvertise,smorty and so many others give you the leverage of earning income daily with your blog.

To start earning money with your blog,you can visit:
Adsense School
Affiliate School

At these sites you would be able to sign up for programs that create money for my own blog.

Posted byForex Trainer at 4:23 PM 0 comments

What is a Blog?

internet computers

Web logs or blogs have been around for quite awhile. This would account for the estimated 30-60 million numbers of blogs in existence with new ones sprouting at a rate faster than rabbits can produce offspring.
Many of my readers now want to join in on the blog revolution, but aren’t exactly sure how to go about it. I interviewed my mentor recently and he shared with me some of her questions about blogging:

Why should I blog?
What does blog mean?
Do people actually read blog?
What’s it going to do for me?

Do blogs need to pertain to my business?

Is there anything I shouldn't’ blog about?

Great questions and I’m going to try to answer them below:

Why should I blog?
I don’t think anyone “should” blog except from the perspective that it’s yet another great way to communicate with your site visitors. Your first goal really needs to stem from this; that you have valuable information to offer your clients and/or site visitors that you think they will benefit from. The payoff, besides further establishing yourself as an expert in your fields is that you are strengthening your “authority” site by adding new content.

What does “blog” mean?
Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is like a journal or diary that is frequently updated yet is intended for the general public to read (although we recommend you make your blog as niche as possible to reflect your line of business). The owner of the blog typically has full administrative rights and is the one to create new blog posts while others may post replies to these posts (depending on the software utilized and the configuration of the same).

Do people actually read blogs?
I’m sure the really popular blogs get lots of traffic. Mostly, you can expect your clients and site visitors to read your blogs. In time, your blog postings will get indexed by the search engines which could bring in new traffic. Now, if your blog really takes off and you get a lot of people posting feedback, etc., well who knows. Your blog could be the next big blog sensation.

What is blogging going to do for me?
Beyond what we covered before (building an authority site, creating new content, generating new search engine traffic), the actual blogging process can be quite cathartic. You can write about things which you feel passionate about. There’s probably something every day that happens in your life (if not several things) that you have an opinion about. Your blog can be your inner voice, shouting out to the world “Oh yeah, well let me tell you what I think about that.”

Do blogs need to pertain to my business?
In my opinion, the blog that is on your website should relate to your business. If you are a Realtor, there are ample topics to write about and if you ever are faced with blogger’s block, you can always write about your latest listing or a positive experience you had with one of your buyers. You can stray a little (or a lot, it’s really up to you), but I personally suggest to keep your blog subject matter in line with your business. Now, what you post on other blogs is completely up to you (and these can be great back links to my site – ,. Keep in mind, the site owner's have complete discretion on what posts stay and those that get deleted. So, if your only goal is to post to get a link back text to your site, it's going to be fairly obvious. Provide a thoughtful reply and there's a good chance your post (and back link) will last a lifetime

Not all blogs allow HTML but for those that do, keep this in mind. And don't let blogs be the only place you create an anchor text link to your site. Use these in your signature files in your email, in forums, anywhere you can. Change the link text to different keyword phrases and also point them to different pages on your site. Not all inbound links should point to your homepage.

Is there anything I shouldn’t blog about?
Absolutely. Freedom of speech is a great thing but you shouldn’t post anything libelous or slanderous or just plain outright not the truth. Everything you do on the Internet (your Website, posting in public Forums and News Groups, Blogs) leaves a footprint behind. Your reputation is always at stake and therefore you should use precaution before you use your blog as a place to rant. You are not an anonymous person behind a computer and people have and will continue to be sued over erroneous blog postings.

Drafted from

Posted byForex Trainer at 4:13 PM 0 comments